More water to more people! – Burkina Faso


More water to more people! – Burkina Faso

The need for access to clean drinking water seems to be ever increasing these days.  Many internally displaced people (IDP) create significant stress on existing water supplies in larger villages and towns where many people are fleeing to, due to insecurity in more remote areas.

Many of our current projects are focused on supporting IDPs through the converting of borehole water points with hand pumps to small solar powered water supplies with storage.  These solar-pumped supplies with water tower storage tanks can typically supply clean drinking water to 4 or 5 times the number of people that the hand pump alone can supply.

During Mark’s last visit to Burkina Faso, he was working on the assessment of a number of hand pumped boreholes to see if they are capable of sustaining the higher flow rates needed for these solar powered water pumping and storage points.  There are currently 6 sites that Mark and the team are working on to construct the water towers and build the small water pipe networks to distribute the water to a series of stand pipes/taps.  You can learn a little more about this need and these projects by visiting our Projects Page