Water Supply Projects
Globally, 2 billion people still lack access to safely managed drinking water services (World Bank, 2022). FIA N Ireland work in West African developing countries to improve remote rural water supply services, and in so doing, open doors for our team and partner missions to share the Living Water.
FIA N Ireland’s water supply projects include:
- Drilled boreholes with handpumps or electric/solar submersible pumps.
- Rehabilitating, refurbishing and improving abandoned wells.
- Construction of Water towers and small water distribution networks.
- Training and equipping local well repair, service and maintenance teams.
- WASH (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene) project management and delivery.
- Well siting, Hydrogeological and Geophysical survey.
Construction of well-head protection and drainage works
Water Supply Projects
Own Well Drilling
Own Well Drilling
FIA N Ireland owns and operates water well drilling equipment (Drilling Ring: Dando Water-Tec10) in West Africa. Typically, we drill deep boreholes using ‘normal circulation’ air driven, Down-the-Hole-Hammer technology in hard rock aquifers but also have mud-drilling capabilities for drilling in softer less stable geological settings.
We have drilled over 700 water wells with our own equipment, often delivering water well drilling projects with teams of volunteers. Watch this one-minute video to see how we drill water wells!
Managing Contract Drilling
FIA N Ireland also delivers water well projects through project management of contractor water well drilling in West Africa. Engaging with local communities and mission partners we:
- undertake in-house initial site surveys,
- locate drilling sites
- Manage contracts and
- supervise the delivery of contract drilling work.
Following the drilling of a well through a contractor our trained teams develop the new wells through:
- pumping tests,
- the installation of various pumping technologies and
- the construction of well-head protection and associated water-point works.
FIA N Ireland have delivered over 300 water wells and many more water points through this approach in West Africa.
Managing contract Drilling
Well Repair & Refurbishment
Well Repair & Refurbishment
We have been drilling water wells in West Africa since 2001. During this time, we have encountered a significant number of water wells, drilled by other groups, that are not functioning or have unfortunately been abandoned for a variety of reasons.
We always look to make the most of existing water sources and potential supplies before considering the drilling of a new well.
We assess the water quantity and quality of such abandoned wells; install new pumps and construct or repair well head protection and drainage.
We also engage with local communities, establishing a local management system to ensure the sustainability of these refurbished water points.
We have refurbished over 200 water points and established and equipped many local water-point management teams.