....bringing Water of life to thirsty people

Water of Life

Drilling wells and sharing the Good News

The Colliers

Serving the Lord , W Africa

How You Can Help

There are many ways to be involved

What we do

Enabling Evangelism

Opening doors to isolated communities to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Creating opportunities for partner missions and local church leaders to share the Gospel.
Showing God’s love and compassion through practical help to those in great physical need.

Demonstrating Compassion

Seeking to improve mortality rates and the basic quality of life of some of the poorest people on earth.

Some of our Stories

They found clean water just 30m below my home! Now I don’t walk 7km each day to collect water.

So Close

When collecting water at the well the pastor told me about Jesus, the ‘Living water!’

Sharing Christ

With the new well I can water my crops all the year round and harvest more often

Growing Crops

I was trained to repair hand pumps and now I maintain our village wells and share the Gospel.


12 dry boreholes were drilled in our village before FIA drilled a successful deep well!


I heard about Jesus for the first time when I came to visit the new well.

A New Message

Our church met under a tree until we got a well and could start to build.


Our Christian school now has enough water to keep growing.


Our village hand pump could not provide enough water. The new water tower does!

Great Need

We were displaced by terrorism. The new well met our most urgent need!

Troubled Days

It took 3 attempts to find water but they kept going! Thank you for caring.


Repairing broken wells opens many doors for me to share about Jesus.

Open Doors

With the training, tools and transport I can now repair more wells and share the Good News with many!


12 Water Towers

Total number of water towers constructed to date in W Africa

700 Drilled wells

Total number of own wells drilled to date in W Africa

250 Drilled wells

Total number wells commissioned through contractors to date in W Africa

110 Wells refurbished

Total number of wells refurbished to date in W Africa

Support a Project


Church Construction

Supporting the growth of the local church

New Drilling Yard Development

Help develop our well drilling field base.

Team Base and Office Construction

Construct our teams field base and office.

Support the Work Financially

Friends in Action International NI is a faith work, supported by and wholly dependent on the continued faithfulness of God’s people and generous giving of all who love and care for those in need. All donations go directly to the work and indeed to any specific project selected so you can be sure your donation will make a real difference in the lives of the people you intend to help.

You can support the work by one of the various means set out below.

Regular Giving & One-Off Donations by Debit/Credit Card

If you would like to make a donation to support water and construction work in West Africa, the quickest and easiest way is by Debit/Credit Card using our handler JustGiving. You can either set up a recurring payment or make a one-off donation. To do this, please click the “JustGiving” button below. All payments will be processed securely.

If you are a UK tax payer, please consider whether you can “Gift Aid” the donation as this will boost your donation to Friends in Action by 25%, at no extra cost to you. Every donation, of any size, will make a difference to lives!

If you have a UK bank account and would like to make a one-off transfer or perhaps even set up a regular standing order to support Friends in Action, developments in online banking in recent times have made this easy to do. Our bank details are as follows

  • Bank: AIB Group
  • Acc No: 03179014
  • Sort Code: 938335

Or, if you prefer, note the bank details and make the arrangements next time you visit your bank branch.

If you are a UK tax payer, we would really appreciate you completing a Gift Aid form, which you can download HERE. This will enable us to claim an extra 25p for every Pound donated. Every donation, of any size, will make a difference to lives!

Payroll Giving (also known as Give As You Earn or workplace giving) is a valuable, long term source of revenue for all charities, providing regular income to help budget and plan ahead more effectively.

Not only is Payroll Giving really simple, but it’s also very tax effective. How? Because your donation gets deducted before you pay the taxman. For instance, if you donate £5, only £4 comes out of your salary and the taxman pays the rest. And if you are a higher rate tax payer, a donation of £5 to Friends in Action would only cost you £3!

So ask your employer or pension provider if they run a Payroll Giving scheme and if they do not, please ask them to set one up. There are a range of Give As You Earn providers and here is a list of UK agencies approved by the HMRC. Some of the more popular schemes are shown below.



News & Articles

New Team Centre – Ivory Coast

12 August, 2024
We praise the Lord for how the new team centre is now almost complete. Two work teams from Northern Ireland have been to help with construction and further develop the work site.

Building for the future! – Ivory Coast

30 November, 2023
Since moving our drilling rig to Ivory Coast, we have been in need of a place to base out of. The new yard located, equipment on site with a basic hangar and store, we have now set about building a team centre to provide a roof over the heads of visiting volunteers, an office, training facility and a place for the Collier’s to be based when in the country. We praise the Lord that construction is well underway! 2 pastor training camps and 1 church camp have also been delivered in recent times. We praise God for both the spiritual and physical progress being made!

More water to more people! – Burkina Faso

30 November, 2023
A big focus of current work is on working with the local church to reach and support displaced people and the communities receiving them. Existing water points are often already under tremendous pressure before displace people arrive. We are working to make new and existing wells, sustainably deliver as much water as possible, to as many as possible!

Our Work in Pictures

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