Support Local Workers


Meeting basic water need and supporting Christian education and outreach!

Support the health, sanitation, hygiene and ongoing educational needs of thousands of young people in a West African Christian school.  The hand pump at this school is working beyond it’s limits and is not capable of meeting the current water demand on it from both the school and the local community it serves.  Replacing the hand pump on this well that we drilled about 7 years ago, with a submersible pump and constructing a water tower with storage tank, this well can be used to it’s full potential and meet both the school and community water demands.  Providing water to the community as well as the school supports the Christian school’s witness in the community as they share the Gospel

££1,000 per Month


££300 Per Month

W Africa
Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso

One of the world’s poorest countries- BF

Work activities include:
  • Literature distribution. Training of pastors and evangelists.
  • Well refurbishment. Pumping tests. Pump installation.
  • Construction of water towers, well heads and small-scale water distribution networks.
  • Well drilling. Project management.    Logistics.
  • £ Varies. Any monthly donation welcome.

Ask us more about supporting specific workers/activities.